Devoxx is schedule quiet complete, so, it is time for me to make my program.
Firstly, there isn't any way for me to be present to JavaFx conference, Oracle has decided to retire this technologies.
Secondly, what are my interests?? Good question, so, there is a long, very long list: Seam 3, JPA 2, Android, Hadoop, HBase, Cloud Computing especially Amazon Web Services, JavaEE 6, Arquillian and Flash.
From the Devoxx schedule, there is:
- Seam 3: State of the Union but there is a conflict with Hadoop Fundamentals: HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, and Hive, big deal to solve
- The latest innovations of the Adobe Flash Platform for Java developers
- Java enterprise testing made easy with Arquillian lab, but still a conflict
- Java EE 6 Tutorial. Reloaded! or Beginning with the Java EE 6 Platform lab
- What's new in Hibernate: a JPA 2 perspective or Dive into Android
- Introduction to HBase
And a special interest to:
- Intelligent data analysis - Apache Mahout
- Restfulie: quit pretending, use the web for real
- Vaadin - Rich Web Applications in Java without Plug-ins or JavaScript
To solve conflict, several conferences are organized on JPA 2, HBase, Hadoop and JavaEE6, so I think I will play with conferences and cover Android, Arquillian, but I don't know what choose between Seam and Hadoop...